Projects developed by ENGEMASTER!
Road access project, Alfenas-MG
Intersection project, Business Park, Sete lagoas – MG
Road access to Garanhuns Garden Shopping, Garanhuns - PE
Executive project – Third roadway strip in BR-381 MG-SP Fernão Dias
Engineering slope stabilization executive project and study development, Realeza-MG
Gas station access executive project, Muriaé - MG
Road access project to Mart Minas supermarket/retail outlet, Pouso Alegre-MG
Intersection project, Paracatu– MG
Intersection project, João Monlevade – MG.
Executive project, bridge above Araguari river
Urban project fazenda Bela Vista, Nova Lima – MG
Allotment Morada Nova, São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo – MG
Special structures (bridges, viaducts) project, Anápolis - GO
Execução do diagnostico técnico com o auxílio de drone, Campinas - SP
Slope stabilization executive project, Div.BA/MG
Licenciamento de terraplenagem, BR-040/MG
Traffic study
Projeto de Implantação e Pavimentação da rodovia.